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[A-boot Us]

Just Roam is our capstone project for the St. Mary's Bachelor of Biological Sciences program. The primary function of the project is to provide a fun way to encourage people to go outside and learn more about their environment. 

This website provides information on the different flora and fauna one might encounter as they hike on trails in Banff; this is to promote engaging and observing what is around them. "Just Roam" tells the user what species they may see, where they may see it and shows photos of it (considering seasonal changes) to help with identification.

We have included important conservation information regarding each species such as: whether it is endangered or threatened, if there are any active efforts to help, why it is important to the area in which it has been found, and any interesting facts. The information on species can also be found in our downloadables so that you can print or save for when you lose cell service. We have also included basic information about the hikes we have done as well as blogs about our personal experiences and tons of photos to accompany them!


Please take the time to peruse our project and we hope it is helpful to you and your adventures!  



Meet The Team

Sophie Contreras Rindlisbacher

Born in Argentina, raised in Florida, living in Canada. I'm a fourth year Biology major and psychology minor at St. Mary's. I'm a full time student, full time mom, part time server, and part time hiker. I have a two year old daughter whose middle name is Trouble and absolutely lives up to it. Future med school student and world traveller. Very fond of the mountains now. I can't say the same for my daughter. 

Kaylee Lustig

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Born and raised Canadian, I am a student at St. Mary's University completing my final year for a bachelor of science degree with a major in biology and a minor in psychology. I love to travel and have frequently visited all over the Caribbean with my family and when I am at home I enjoy hiking around the Rocky Mountains. Adventure should be my middle name as I am always looking for a new thrill, exciting activity, or location to explore. I am eternally devoted to my feeling of wanderlust and hope that one day my career will allow me to travel the world.

Kim MacKinnon

Typical city girl born and raised in Calgary.  Full time student completing my final year of my biology degree at St. Mary's University, with a psychology minor.  I have a passion for nature and animals and my ultimate goal is to become a zoologist, and get to travel the world.  I love going out for adventures and exploring new places whether it is close to home or farther away. If I'm not out adventuring, I'm at home planning my next one. 

Sunali Muthuhara

Sri Lankan Canadian, full-time student, my end goal being an educator of the younger generation. If I'm not harassing my dog, I'm probably reading, eating or taking a nap. When I'm super ambitious, I do all of these things and more in a day. A year ago, I would have laughed if someone told me I'd be spending my summer hiking. Now, I love hitting the trails and as a bonus: I have calf muscles! I am super excited to continue my adventures and see new places!

Special Thanks

Dr. Gary Grothman
Dr. Scott Lovell
Mr. Ian Macdonald
Rafael Marrero
Dr. Mary Ann McLean

Honorable Mentions

Matt Brown
Lola Contreras Rindlisbacher
Liam Harrison
Denzil Lobo
Iriel Jaroslavsky
Jack Nodwell
Keegan Pronovost
Braden Roberts
Kassandra Stefanyk


Just Roam |  Calgary, Alberta, T2X 1Z4 |

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