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Hello Adventurers, 

Welcome to Just Roam!

Before heading out on your super cool adventures, be sure to check out: 

A-boot Us: Where you can read about who we are and why we've created this website.

Peak Your Interest: Where you will find all the information on the hikes we've done.

Our Neat-ure Adventures: Our personal renditions of each hike and fun pictures to accompany them! 

Observe Your World: Where you will find photos and descriptions of all of the species we've found as well safety information and downloadable versions of each to take with you on your adventures!

Gallery: Take a look at our hike photos!

Let's venture together and change the world...

The Importance of Conservation

Not many people understand the effect that they have on the environment. It is important to take care of the world around us and appreciate its existence while treating it with the utmost care. Human interference is the number one cause of events leading to animal extinction and the degradation of natural environments. Endangerment of species can be avoided by conserving and stabilizing all facets of the environment in order to ensure species have everything they need to thrive. Simple things like not picking flowers and taking care of your garbage make a bigger impact than most of us realize.  The best thing we can do is spread awareness and teach people how to take care of our natural world and everything in it. 

Most hikes have an informational board at the trail head that includes a map of the area, a description of the hike, and pertinent information regarding wildlife, plant life, and conservational information. Be sure to take a minute to look over this board before embarking on your journey!

Take Only Photos and Leave Only Footprints 

Make sure to stay on the trails! Each time people venture off the trails, vegetation is trampled, land is degraded leading to erosion and habitats are disturbed.  These delicate areas take years upon years to recover and with every disturbance, the damage increases. There are often signs reminding people not to stray off marked trails however, even without signs, it is good practice to stay on the marked trails. Always watch where you step! 

Resist the temptation to pick pretty flowers. Everyone is guilty of doing it at least once, not realizing that uprooting even just one flower impacts the entire population. Flower picking can lead to species extermination in the long run. So next time: Resist! Don't Pick!

"I know I'm pretty and nice to wear,

so you pluck me up and put me in your hair, 

but try to remember I don't belong there. 

Each time someone pulls us from our home, 

decreases our ability to multiply and grow.

And no one notices until our numbers are low.  

So please, feel free to look and admire

But please don't touch or our population will expire!"  (S.M)

Respect The Critters &

Please Don't Litter!

"Hello, I am the poop you just scooped, reminding you to take me with, even if I stink, 

and put me in the trash where garbage should be stashed."

This means not feeding wildlife, human food or anything else -- this is not only illegal and can cost you up to $25 000, but it can harm the animals. 

Picking up all your garbage, packing it up, and taking it with you to be disposed of properly. This means dog poop! Be prepared and take bags with you AND take the full bags with you. Bagging your dog's poop and then leaving it contributes more to littering rather than solving the problem.

The little chipmunks are super friendly and you may be tempted to touch them or pick them up: PLEASE DO NOT DO THIS. This is unsafe for you and the animals.

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